Friday, September 10, 2010

Reject Religious Fanatics: Build the Mosque

Reaction to September 11 and the idea of a Mosque near Ground Zero:

The worst possible reaction to an attack on our freedom and way of life is to reduce our freedoms and change our way of life. It’s like surrender.

Common Sense says:

1)    America’s founding is anchored on religious freedom. To be consistent with our principles, we MUST support religious freedom, even when it takes the form of a religion we are not part of.
2)    Resisting the Ground Zero mosque accepts the premise of our enemy's argument – which says we are at war with a religion (Islam). No, we are not. We are at war with murderers and we should not accept the idea of holy war. It didn’t turn out well a 1000 years ago (Crusades) and we should have no intention of repeating history

The United States created a secular constitution to avoid the inevitable conflicts that arise out of “faith based” governance. There are just too many different ways of looking at the universe to ever have all of us on the same page. Best to let people decide for themselves and keep Uncle Sam out of it.  It’s working well. 

BOTOM LINE:  By allowing the mosque to continue, we keep the power away from the religious fanatics of all stripes and keep faith with our founding principles.

Earn The Truth

The credo:
In case of Trauma:  Remain calm. Take appropriate action

This is the first entry in my “Center for Common Sense” blog. The idea here is to create very short, common sense insights into the issues of the day. I’m interested in finding solution-oriented ideas that move us forward. Please log in and put up any, positively motivated idea you have. Hate speech and regurgitated talking points will be taken off.  Hopefully, this will be a place to quickly introduce yourself to alternate ways of looking at a problem or issue   -- perhaps a new view that makes perfect sense. Common Sense.